A little refresh for 2018. Nothing elaborate - links to a new CSCW 2018 and ASIS&T paper and update for the course I'm teaching during Winter Quarter 2018.
Computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), human-computer interaction (HCI), social computing, collaboration in Wikipedia.
Some recent publications:
  | Hoffman, E., D.W. McDonald and M. Zachry (2018) Evaluating a Computational Approach to Labeling Politeness: Challenges for the Application of Machine Classification to Social Computing Data. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction archive Volume 1 Issue CSCW, November 2017 (CSCW'18). |
  | Hubbles, C., D. W. McDonald and J. H. Lee (2017) F#%@ that noise: SoundCloud as (A-)social media? Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T'17). |
  | Menking, A., D. W. McDonald and M. Zachry (2017) Who wants to read this?: A method for measuring topical representativeness in user generated content systems. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW'17). |
A list of publications, many with links to full text, is available on my publications page. A more complete list of publications is available on my CV
Our study of Wikipedia is aimed at desgining systems that support large scale collaborative action. Our design approach is motivated by social translucence as a soci-technical perspective that can facilitate better sense making of the activities and roles that individuals and groups play in large scale systems. We study Wikipedia because it is a successful example of large scale groupware.
Remixed has been out for several years. We have reports of people adopting the book in seminars and reading courses as a supplement to their normal set of conference and journal readings. Let us know if you want some ideas on how to make this work.
Erickson, Thomas and David W. McDonald (eds.) HCI Remixed: Essays on Works that have Influenced the HCI Community. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2008 |