Computer Networks and Distributed Applications


Lab Assignments


Project Assignments


Java Documentation


Using Bonjour Java APIs

Sample Chapter excerpts from Cheshire & Steinberg, Zero Configuration Networking: Using the Java APIs, linked to O'Reilly's website: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.


DNS-SD Java API Documentation

The Javadoc for the Java DNS-SD API is available as an Apple Developer resource - you may need a free login to get access to this.


Windows with Bonjour - mDNSResponder - DNS-SD

The class Project is easiest in the lab under MacOS; Java and all of the necessary libraries are installed. However, for those who would like to do this under Windows -- it is possible -- you need to do a few things. The basic outline is (1) you need to get the Windows Bonjour SDK from the apple developer website, (2) you need to build the SDK - some instructions are included but some more can be found in the developer discussion forum.